
Morgan| Ohio Covered Bridge Senior Pictures

This was one of the most beautiful evenings I’ve had for a portrait session this fall.  The warm breeze was blowing gently through the tall grassy field as the sun shone through the changing leaves and reflected off of the water on the winding creek.  The chipped paint on the old, Ohio covered bridge showed a different color beneath its rich red.  The bridge seemed to be showing us that there is more to it than what beauty we could see on its surface.  Like the bridge, my subject that evening has a lot more to her than just what you see on the surface.

Marysville Senior


This beauty is Morgan.

She is truly gorgeous.  It is hard to ignore her breathtaking freckles, lovely hair and sparkling eyes…..

Senior Pictures| Ohio Covered Bridge



And just look at this beautiful smile!


Gorgeous Freckles


Her laugh is completely contagious!


Field of dreams morgan Ohio Senior Pictures


She is definitely beautiful and after spending some time with her, it is easy to see that her inner beauty far surpasses what you see on the outside.


Rays of sun morgan (31) morgan (30)


For those of you who do not know Morgan, she has faced quite a challenge in her life at such an early age.  She is a powerful young woman who has unyielding strength and motivation.


morgan (34) morgan (33) morgan (16)


Morgan has such a beautiful and sweet heart.  I am so glad she has been blessed with such an adorable and completely supportive family.

Ohio covered bridge

Marysville Senior Ohio Covered Bridge

Morgan is an inspiration.

She inspires me.

morgan (14) morgan (5) morgan (7)


And I seriously cannot get enough of her gorgeous freckles!!!!


morgan (20)



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